Excited states of the doubly-odd nucleus 8~ have been studied via the reactions 8~ n), S~ 2n) and 78Se(~,pn) using in-beam y-ray spectroscopy. A positiveparity level sequence built on a P= 5 + state at 331.04 keV has been found up to spin (10). For this 5 + level de-exciting to the known 5-isomeric state and for the 6 + level at 357.22 keV half-lives of 0.7 and 0.4 ns, respectively, have been determined. Negativeparity states have been observed up to spin (6). For the positive-parity level sequence the configuration (ng9/z, vg9/2) and collective excitations are proposed. Some of the negative-parity states are tentatively interpreted as arising from the configurations (~P3/2, vg9/2) and (np3/2 , (vg9/2)37/2).
Nuclear Reactions." 78Se(cc, pn), E=23, 27MeV; measured ET, a(E,E~,O),77-coin., 0r 8~ 2n), E=13.5 MeV; measured E~, a(E~, 0), yT-coin.; 8~ n), E=6.7 MeV; measured E~, a(Ey); 8~ deduced levels, J, n, T1/2. Enriched targets. Ge (Li) detectors.