The Second Research Coordination Meeting of the Coordinated Research Project on Atomic Data for Vapour Shielding in Fusion Devices was held as a virtual meeting on 7 – 9 October 2020. Eight experts representing eight research institutes globally (Australia, China, India, Netherlands, Spain, Syria, USA) in the field of atomic collisional physics and vapour formation for magnetic confinement fusion devices met together with the IAEA staff. Participants were theorists and modellers of plasma and vapour par-ticle collisional processes, experimentalists of spectral line properties, and vapour formation and spec-tral analyses. They described their research background, available experimental methodologies and the-ories applied in various computational tools as well as the results obtained. Open issues related to ele-mental particles formed during vapour evolution and the particle interaction processes were discussed and plans for coordinated research to be performed during the project were made. The proceedings of the meeting are summarized in this report.