The energy requirements for incorporation in vitro of [14C]leucine into sterile mitochondria isolated from thoracic flight muscles of newly-emerged Lucilia cuprina have been studied.There is an absolute requirement for addition of either ADP or ATP. Oxidisable substrates (pyruvate, DL-a-glycerophosphate, proline), or an ATP-generating system increased incorporation above that observed with added ADP or ATP alone. Both the rate and duration of incorporation are strongly dependent on the concentration of adenine nucleotides used. Experiments with oligomycin and 2,4-dinitrophenol suggest that energy for incorporation is provided as ATP.With non-sterile preparations, incorporation was, independent of added adenine nucleotides, and almost constant for up to four hours with no added substrate or adenine nucleotide. It was inhibited by added substrate and also by added amino acids, especially isoleucine and valine.A previous report [l] has demonstrated the ability of sterile preparations of mitochondria from the thoracic flight muscle of newly-emerged Lucilia cuprina t o incorporate [14C]leucine into trichloroacetic acid insoluble material in vitro. A number of variables affecting the behaviour of the system in vitro was studied in that report. Because of the paucity of information on mitochondrial protein synthesis in insects [2,3], it was decided to continue the study by characterising, in some depth, the energy requirements for incorporation in vitro.Hence in this paper the requirements for adenine nucleotides and oxidisable substrates, the effectiveness of an ATP-generating system compared with oxidisable substrates, and the effects of inhibitors of energy supply on [14C]leucine incorporation have been studied.Results are compared with non-insect systems (e.g. Neurospora crassa [4]
Tissue Preparations
Incubation Conditions for [ '*C]Leucine IncorporationIncubations were conducted in 5-ml test tubes covered with aluminium caps a t 30 "C in a shaking water bath; the final incubation volume was 1.0 ml containing approximately 1 .O mg (three thoraces) of mitochondrial protein. After 5 min preincubation, incubations were commenced by adding 0.5 pCi [14C]leucine (344 mCi/mmole).All experiments (except that described in Fig. 9) were done with the following "basic mixture" (final concentrations in 1 ml): 1 mM EDTA, 10 mM N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethane sulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer pH 7.4,iO mM potassium phosphate pH 7.4,65 mM KC1,lS mM MgSO,, amino acid mixture lacking leucine (19 amino acids, each 0.05 mM, i.e. 143 pg total [l]).
Preparation of Samples for Scintillation CountingSamples were prepared for counting as described previously [i]. Results are not corrected for observed counting efficiency which was 84O/,.