We obtain the spatial and momentum-diffusion coefficients (Ds and κ) and the collisional energy loss (dE/dx) of a heavy quark (HQ) traversing through a thermal medium of quarks and gluons in a weak magnetic field (B), for the two cases of the HQ moving either parallel or perpendicular to B. For that purpose, we consider Coulomb scatterings (t-channel) of the HQ with the light quarks, obtained from the imaginary part of the HQ self-energy via the cutting rules. Both the normalized (by T3) κ, and dE/dx, for charm quarks are larger than that for bottom quarks due to the larger mass of the latter. Also, the effect of B is more feeble on the bottom quark, compared to the charm quark. Comparatively, the magnitudes of both κ and dE/dx are significantly smaller for the case of v⊥B. For both the cases, our results show that the momentum transfer between the HQ and the medium takes place preferentially along the direction of HQ velocity, thus leading to a significant increase in the momentum-diffusion anisotropy, compared to B=0. We also calculate the (scaled) spatial diffusion coefficient, which we find to be independent of the heavy flavor mass and is almost unaffected by changes in B.
Published by the American Physical Society