I OverviewThe Willmore energy of an immersed closed surface Φ : Σ → R m≥3 is given bywhere H denotes the weak mean curvature vector, and dvol g is the area form of the metric g induced on Φ(Σ) by the canonical Euclidean metric on R m . Critical points of the Lagrangian W for perturbations of the form Φ+t ξ, where ξ is an arbitrary compactly supported smooth map on Σ into R m , are known as Willmore surfaces. Not only is the Willmore functional invariant under reparametrization, but more importantly, it is invariant under the group of Möbius transformations of R m ∪{∞}. This remarkable property prompts the use of the Willmore energy in various fields of science. A survey of the Willmore functional, of its properties, and of the relevant literature is available in [Ri3]. Owing to the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, we note that the Willmore energy (I.1) may be equivalently expressed aswhere I is the second fundamental form, and χ(Σ) is the Euler characteristic of Σ, which is a topological invariant for a closed surface. From the variational point of view, Willmore surfaces are thus critical points of the energyIt then appears natural to restrict our attention on immersions whose second fundamental forms are locally square-integrable.We assume that the point-singularity lies at the origin, and we localize the problem by considering a map Φ : D 2 → R m≥3 , which is an immersion of D 2 \ {0}, and satisfyingBy a procedure detailed in [KS2], it is possible to construct a parametrization ζ of the unit-disk such that Φ•ζ is conformal. To do so, one first extends Φ to all of C\{0} while keeping a bounded image and the second fundamental form squareintegrable. One then shifts so as to have Φ(0) = 0, and inverts about the origin so as to obtain a complete immersion with square-integrable second fundamental form. Calling upon a result of Huber [Hu] (see also [MS] and [To]), one deduces that the image of the immersion is conformally equivalent to C. Inverting yet once more about the origin finally gives the desired conformal immersion 1 , which we shall abusively continue to denote Φ. It has the aforementioned properties (i)-(iii), and moreover,1 which degenerates at the origin in a particular way, see (I.9).Away from the origin, we define the Gauss map n viawhere (x 1 , x 2 ) are standard Cartesian coordinates on the unit-disk D 2 , and ⋆ is the Euclidean Hodge-star operator. The immersion Φ is conformal, i.e.where λ is the conformal parameter. An elementary computation shows thatHence, by hypothesis, we see that n ∈ W 1,2 (D 2 \ {0}). In dimension two, the 2-capacity of isolated points is null, so we actually have Φ ∈ W 1,2 (D 2 ) and n ∈ W 1,2 (D 2 ) (note however that Φ remains a non-degenerate immersion only away from the singularity). Rescaling if necessary, we shall henceforth always assume thatwhere the adjustable parameter ε 0 is chosen to fit our various needs (in particular, we will need it to be "small enough" in Proposition A.1).For the sake of the following paragraph, we consider a conformal immersion Φ : D 2 → R m , whi...