Water sustainability needs an integrated approach to meet the water need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need of water. It includes water security and water scarcity. The water demand is increasing every year, while the planet's capacity to sustain increasing demands for water is challenged. The main global water problems fall into three categories. The first is too much of it, secondly is too little of it and thirdly, it is too dirty. The first category is due to extensive flooding, the second category is due to serious drought and the third category is due to pollution and misuse of water which needs water quality management. Nowadays, there are 1.2 × 10 9 people live in areas of water scarcity and 2.6 billion people in global are lacking safe water supply. There are (6 to 8) × 10 6 humans being are killed each year from water-related disasters and disease.In Indonesia, there is about 37 × 10 6 people lack access to safe water due to water quality issue. In this paper, emerging trends in water quality management to support water sustainability and the water-energy nexus will be discussed.Keywords: water quality; water sustainability; water management.
Water SustainabilityWe all understand that everyone needs water, though not everyone thoroughly understand the issue of water sustainability. What is water sustainability? It involves in people participating which talking about communication and dialogue, political process and also operated between science and society which needs creatively, holistically and broadly thought. It is an integrated approach to meet the water needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need of water. Water sustainability includes water security and water scarcity. There are (6 to 8) × 10 6 humans being killed each year from water-related disasters and disease.The demand and scarcity of water is greater every year which can be seen in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. In Fig. 1, it is clear that the demand of water will increase up to 60 % by 2050. The planet's capacity to sustain increasing demands for water is questioned.Failure in governance and development has generated tremendous pressure on water resources affecting water quality and availability. About 1.2 × 10 9 people live in areasHow to cite this article: