“…We refer to Kohn andStrang (1983,1986), Dacorogna (1989), Ä Silhavà y (1997), M uller (1998 and Dolzmann (2003) for a sound mathematical basis. The concept of relaxation has been applied to elastic phase decomposition problems by Kohn (1991), Luskin (1996), Carstensen and Plechà aÄ c (1997), Smyshlyaev and Willis (1999), DeSimone and Dolzmann (2000), Govindjee et al (2002) and just recently on an approximative level to single crystal plasticity by Ortiz and Repetto (1999) and Ortiz et al (2000) and to strain-softening von Mises plasticity by Lambrecht et al (2003) and Miehe and Lambrecht (2003a,b).…”