A Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR) is an efficient method to manage the load demand in distribution power systems. This paper proposes the utilization of the CVR method on Washington EMC's power system and Georgia Transmission Corporation facilities. The utility's peak power consumption is reduced to determine the figures of wattage and money saved. The CVR technique is implemented within the ANSI standards and with an efficient CVR, factor to maintain the efficient performance of the system and satisfy the consumers' needs. The principle of operation, concepts of modeling, and substation CVR management are illustrated. The CVR methodology including utility circuit, smart meters' data, management, savings, and analysis is presented. Then, experimental CVR scenarios, smart meters' experimental CVR data, CVR steady-state analysis and experimental CVR management using SCADA are investigated and analyzed. After that, a CVR dynamic prediction model is established using the Neural Network (NN) and validated by means of comparisons with actual data and the Gaussian model. Power saving, power demand, yearly money-saving real data from EMC utility, and real temperature data from NOAA is used to create the CVR dynamic model with a minimum average error percentage of 0.22 % w.r.t the real-data. Finally, a SCADA system operation is discussed along with the potential future improvements and research directions.