Limited work has been done to optimize the power sharing among base stations (BSs) while considering the topology of the cellular network and the distance-dependent power loss (DDPL) in the transmission lines. In this paper, we propose two power sharing optimization algorithms for energy-harvesting BSs: the max-flow (MF) algorithm and the min-cost-max-flow (MCMF) algorithm. The two proposed algorithms minimize the power drawn from the main grid by letting BSs with power surpluses transmit harvested power to BSs with deficits. The MCMF algorithm has an additional DDPL cost associated with each transmission line. Hence, the MCMF algorithm shares the harvested power over shorter distances and loses less power during the transmission than the MF algorithm. Our numerical results show that for a fully connected cellular network, i.e., every pair of BSs can share power, with a moderate power loss coefficient per l (∈ R + ) meters of transmission line, the MCMF algorithm saves up to 10%, 22%, and 30% more main grid power than the MF algorithm for 5, 10, and 15 BSs uniformly distributed in a square area of l 2 square meters, respectively.