The low-temperature optical properties of submonolayer CdSe/ZnSe nanostructures have been investigated with nominal layer thickness of 0.15 ML and 0.58 ML CdSe. In photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy (PLE) we observe more than 10 equidistant peaks separated by the ZnSe LO-phonon energy even at energies high above the ZnSe-band edge. The peak heights and line shapes are extremely sensitive to the monolayer coverage, have strongly different intensities in emission and PLE and deviate from the Poissonian intensity distribution expected within the concept of a constant, material specific Huang-Rhys parameter S. A bound polaron model is proposed to explain the optical properties of quantum structures for which the approach of a pure electronic quantum confinement is not appropriate. Intrinsic coherence of joint exciton-phonon modes is very promising, e.g. for application in quantum information processing or coherent population transfer.1 Introduction Epitaxial techniques allow to grow high-quality semiconductors with extremely small structural elements. The concept of quantum confinement is a very effective tool for the description of self-assembled CdSe quantum dots grown by means of deposition of a few monolayers (ML) [1] or even submonolayers of guest material [2]. Further decrease of epitaxial coverage down to values of the order of 0.1 ML results in nanoobjects which comprise only a small number of atoms rather than 3D-islands. In such nanostructures coherent coupling with lattice vibrations can have even more significant effects on the energy states and coherent dynamics of localized eh-pairs compared to semiconductor quantum dots where excitonic polarons [3][4][5], non-adiabatic exciton-phonon interaction [6], enhanced phononassisted absorption [7], etc. are currently discussed.In this contribution we present experimental results on the optical properties of CdSe/ZnSe heterostructures with nominal thickness of CdSe equal to 0.15 ML and 0.58 ML. To explain the optical properties of such nanoinclusions, we propose a bound polaron concept [8,9] which goes beyond the usual quantum-dot models. We consider the bound-polaron picture as basic requirement for the understanding of coherent properties while relaxation processes would be described here as a polaron decay.