In this study, characteristics of the energy slope for the barotropic component of the atmosphere are examined in the framework of the 3D normal mode decomposition. The energy slope of E = ac 2 was derived by Tanaka et al. (2004) based on the criterion of the Rossby wave breaking, where E is total energy, c is a phase speed of Rossby wave, and a is a constant. The wave breaking occurs when the local meridional gradient of potential vorticity is negative, i.e., < 0, somewhere in the domain. If the spectrum obeys the c 2 law, it should obey the 4 power of the zonal wavenumber n, because the phase speed c is related to the total wavenumber by c = /k 2 , and if we assume the isotropy for zonal wind u and the meridional wind v over the range of synoptic to short waves, the energy spectrum can be expressed as a function of n instead of k.The theoretical inference of the energy slope is examined using JRA-25 data. According to the result of the analysis, the spectral slope agrees quite well with the 4 power law for the barotropic component of the atmosphere. It is, however, confirmed that the spectrum obeys the 3 power law as in previous studies for the baroclinic atmosphere. It is also found that the barotropic energy spectrum obeys the saturation theory where energy cascades up, but it does not obey where energy cascades down.
IntroductionThe energetics of atmospheric general circulation have been investigated by many researchers. The energy spectrum is characterized by 3 power law with respect to the horizontal wavenumber k over the synoptic to sub-synoptic scales (Wiin-Nielsen 1967;Boer and Shepherd 1983;Nastrom et al. 1984; Shepherd 1987). Using dimensional analysis, Kraichnan (1967) predicted a k 3 power law for 2D, isotropic and homogeneous turbulence in a downscale enstrophy cascading inertial subrange on the short-wave side of the scale of energy injection. Basdevant et al. (1981) showed the k 4 spectral slope in enstrophy cascading subrange by the barotropic nondivergent model with forcing. It was shown by Tung and Orland (2003) that not only enstrophy but also energy cascade down from synoptic to meso scales. The down scale energy cascade is responsible for a k 5/3 spectrum on the short-wave side where the energy cascade exceeds the enstrophy cascade. Tung and Orland (2003) demonstrated that the energy injected at the synoptic scale cascades up to planetary waves and zonal motions where another dissipation exists. Contrasted to the k 3 law over the synoptic to subsynoptic scales, there is no appropriate theory to describe the spectral characteristics at synoptic to planetary scales because of the existence of the energy source due to baroclinic instability. Welch and Tung (1998) argued that the theory of nonlinear baroclinic adjustment (Stone 1978) is responsible to determine the spectrum over the energy source range. They introduced a breaking criterion proposed by Garcia (1991) to determine the upper bound in meridional heat flux by the disturbances. According to the criterion, a Rossby wave break...