The purpose of this paper is to review the electrical design of the magnet system for the Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) Low-Energy Booster (LEB). The primary operating mode of the LEB is as a 10-Hz rapid-cycling proton synchrotron. In this mode, capacitor banks are used to make the entire magnet circuit resonant at 10 Hz. This resonant system thus eliminates the requirement of having to provide (and recover) a @e amount of reactive power. The primary focus of this paper is to analyze the electrical properties of the magnet system. In addition to the 10-Hz mode, the magnet system is capable of operating as a 1-Hz ramped proton synchrotron, with flat "front porches" and "flattops" for injection and extraction. This mode is initiated through bypassing the choke-capacitor system and exciting the magnet system with a SCR power supply using predetermined waveforms. Both these operating modes (10 Hz and 1 Hz) are analyzed using SPICE (Version 3E).