This paper is a pedagogical yet critical introduction to the quantum description of unstable systems, mostly at the level of a graduate quantum mechanics course. Quantum decays appear in many different fields of physics, and their description beyond the exponential approximation is the source of technical and conceptual challenges. In this article, we present both general methods that can be adapted to a large class of problems, and specific elementary models to describe phenomena like photo-emission, beta emission and tunneling-induced decays. We pay particular attention to the emergence of exponential decay; we analyze the approximations that justify it, and we present criteria for its breakdown. We also present a detailed model for non-exponential decays due to resonance, and an elementary model describing decays in terms of particle-detection probabilities. We argue that the traditional methods for treating decays face significant problems outside the regime of exponential decay, and that the exploration of novel regimes of current interest requires new tools. * arXiv:1808.03798v2 [quant-ph] 8 Dec 2018Probability currents. An alternative elementary description of decays is available, whenever we can associate a probability-current operatorĴ J J(x x x, t) to one of the decay products. For example, for non-relativistic particles of mass m satisfying Schrödinger's equation with HamiltonianĤ, the current operator iŝ J J J(x x x, t) = 1 2m e