F~rs:er mechanlsm; ExcitonCalculations of excitation tra~er rates among the chr,mmphores of C-phycocyanin using the F6rster inductive resonance transfer mechanism have been carried out using the new coordinates for the pesition and ovlentation of the dn-omophores (Schirmer, T., Bode, W. and Hubor, R. (1967) J. Mol. Biol. 196, 677-69b'). Several of the rate constants are significantly altered from the results of oor calculations using the previously published emmlinates (Sauer, K., Scheer, H. and Sauer, P. (1987) Photochem. Photoblol. 46, 427-4d0). Ill partiolllar, for the (a/~)3-trimers of Mastigoclmtm/am/Iosm or for the (al0)3-trimels or the (~8)¢hexamers of Agmn~,llmn ~adr~icatm~ the new calculations predict excited state relaxation components with exponential time constants shorter than 1 ps. In fact, some of the interactions are so strong that exeiton coupling is probably the relevant mechanism of interaction. The largest exciton energy is calculated to be about 56 an -I, for the imeracfion betweea the adjacent a84 and ~84 ehromophores of neighboring monomer units within the (a~)3.triaters or (aB)¢hexamers. An energy transfer model invoking a combination of pairwlse exciton formation followed by slower Fc~rster transfer steps is described. that transfer excitation to it with an efficiency of 95~ or greater and in a time that is much shorter than the lifetime (a few nanoseconds) of the excited state in the absence of trapping [1]. A model, known as the Pebble Mosaic Model, was developed to describe this excitation transfer process [2]. It is based on the knowledge that most photosynthetic pigments (chromophores) occur in welldefined associations with proteins and that these pigment proteins occur in organized arrays with respect to the embedded reaction centers in photosynthetically active membranes [3]. In the Pebble Mosaic Model excitation is considered to appear in collective excited states (excitons) that encompass all of the chromophores that interact with 0005-2728/88/$03.50