The GPhC is normally represented by counsel, and the registrant may attend and be legally represented. There are three stages to a hearing, namely:1. Findings of fact; 2. Decision of impairment; 3. Sanction.At stage 1, the panel will decide if specific facts or accusations are proven "on the balance of probabilities".At stage 2, the FtPC decides whether the registrant's fitness to practise is impaired due to the facts, if proven at stage 1. If the panel concludes that it is, the hearing moves to stage 3, at which the following sanctions are available: to take no action; to issue a warning; to place conditions on registration; to suspend the registration; or to remove the registrant's name from the relevant register. In deciding on the appropriate sanction the panel must have regard to GPhC's guidance. [10]
Data collectionOnce a Fitness to Practise Committee has decided, it gives its determination. The GPhC are responsible for ensuring the determinations of their public hearings are published in a timely manner, except when the matter relates to a registrant's health. [11](s. 4) Determinations are published on the GPhC website, where they remain for one calendar year before being removed. Decisions from 2018 and 2019 were collated from the website between 13 November 2018 and 12 December 2019. A freedom of information (FOI) request was made to the GPhC for decisions from 2016 and 2017, in accordance with s.8 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. [12] The GPhC complied with this request on 19 March 2019.Cases were selected on the basis of specific inclusion criteria. Only those cases published within the 4-year period between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2019 and which involved a registrant who was appearing before the Fitness to Practise Committee at first instance were included. One redacted case was removed. Each case that met the inclusion criteria was analysed.