The pilot project of Teaching Factory (TEFA) at the Department of Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Jember as an effort to realize TEFA in the field of transportation system engineering, including mapping the potential and opportunities for the realization of Technical TEFA by considering several product groups plans, including the production of spare parts (Y1), services (Y2) and bio-fuel production (Y3). The problem is the need to identify with potential mapping whether TEFA pilots in the Engineering Department can be recommended to be realized. Potential mapping aims to provide an output of consideration in realizing TEFA in the Department of Engineering through several stages of the process, the first method is GADM (Grid Analysis Decision Making) as a model for providing recommendations in realizing TEFA by giving a score from the questionnaire to partners, the second method with the CIPP stage (Context, Input, Process, Product) as a consideration of the service process chain flow and products that will be produced from the three products. Potential mapping is carried out by means of questionnaires to partners spread across 4 sub-districts, Jember Regency with consideration of the radius of the mapping distance of 5 km from the Politeknik Negeri Jember. Respondent partners are used as the basis for considering feasibility in establishing TEFA in the Engineering Department. The questionnaire to productive partners in the automotive sector grouped into four sub-districts obtained a mapping of a total of 100 partners from Sumbersari, Patrang, Kaliwates, Ajung with a number of 35, 14, 17 and 34 partner respondents respectively who were considered as candidates for collaboration in pioneering TEFA in the Department of Engineering. The GADM results provide a questionnaire score for each sub-district average from product groups Y1, Y2 and Y3 with a score of 3.2, 2.9 and 3.4. The partner’s choice of the highest score is biofuel (Y3).