In the present work, the ethanol fuel concentration is used to establish stoichiometric corrections in a direct and instantaneous manner, to eliminate the period necessary for adaptation, from the measurement of the oxygen sensor (lambda probe) in events of refueling. To ensure Flex-fuel operation, closed-loop air/fuel regulation methods were used, fed by oxygen sensors (amplified wide band and narrow band). The project was implemented in an ECU (Electronic Control Unit) designed for the development of code routines for electronic management of an Otto cycle internal combustion engine, labeled Flex-ECU. The ETAS / Bosch Flex-ECU has programming applied to the ASCET (Advanced Simulation and Control Engineering Tool) tool, which is an open source code for real time embedded systems. Finally, results of engine control, performance, and efficiency are presented for different fuel compositions available in Brazil for the fleet of light vehicles. The experiments show the dynamics of the operation of the bi-fuel A/C control and discusses its main characteristics, aiming to exemplify optimization methods of its efficiency.