DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMENT I S URPklMtm Washington, DC 20585 A p r i l 2 3 , 1997
NOTE TO READERS:During this reporting period, we released our revised Program Plan which outlines a focused, integrated program that will achieve key Program and statutory objectives. The plan identifies three near-term objectives: (1) updating in 1997 the regulatory framework for repository site characterization, (2) supporting a 1998 viability assessment, and (3) if the site is suitable, submitting a Secretarial site recommendation to the President in 2001 and a license application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2002. In support of the first near-term objective, we drafted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend the repository siting process. This notice was subsequently published in the Federal Register on December 16, 1996, which began a 60-day public comment period. Subsequent notices extended the comment period to May 16, 1997.Tunneling was completed in the Exploratory Studies Facility main drift, and the tunnel boring machine continued tunneling up the south ramp. In December 1996, we encountered worse ground conditions than expected, but even with these poor ground conditions, the tunnel boring machine reached the south portal on April 25,1997. The completion of the main drift marks a shift in emphasis from constructing the Exploratory Studies Facility to conducting scientific experiments in the tunnel and alcoves.The initial construction phase of the Thermal Testing Facility was completed and the first phase of the in situ heater tests began on schedule in August 1996. This eighteen month test will measure thermal effects on the rock and the moisture within the rock.Most of our site investigations and design and performance assessment activities this period were directed toward providing information for the 1998 viability assessment, our second near-term objective. Several studies and modeling activities were completed that provided new information on the potential percolation flux in the repository horizon. The new information indicated the potential for preferential water pathways and for a percolation flux higher than previously indicated.During the next period, we will continue modeling, testing, and data collection activities to reduce the uncertainty in the range of percolation flux that can be expected i? the repository horizon. In the Note to Readers for the 14th Progress Report, we indicated that we expected to issue the revised Waste Containment and Isolation Strategy during the first half of 1997. We will re-evaluate issuance of the strategy as a consequence of any changes to the predicted range c,f percolation flux rates. In addition, we will reassess the results from our on-going repository design and performance activities discussed in this progress report in light of the these same changes.
4-15Design Activity 1.1 1.3.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARYDuring the second half of fiscal year 1996, activities at the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Proj...