We propose various schemes for the generation and manipulation of a variety of atomic external transverse momentum states. The fundamental ingredient of all such states is a simple bipartite cavity field-atomic momentum entangled state generated through second order, off-resonant Bragg diffraction of the neutral two-level atoms. Further multipartite entangled state engineering and manipulation including Bell, GHZ, Dicke and W-state production, remote state-assisted entanglement swapping, and teleportation of a cavity field superposition as well as the entanglement onto atomic momentum states are carried out by simultaneously projecting the cavity field(s) over symmetric beam splitter(s). It is further discussed that generation and manipulation of such decoherence resistant momentum states is quite feasible under prevailing experimental research scenario in cavity QED.Keywords Quantum informatics · Engineering entanglements · Cavity QED · Atom optics
IntroductionQuantum information processing [1], a field that mostly relies on nonlocal features of entangled states [2, 3], aims to clarify philosophical foundations of the quantum theory [4] apart from its demonstrated technological impact like foolproof security (for comprehensive theoretical and experimental reviews on cryptography see [5,6]) and communicational speed up [7]. Diverse physical systems including photonics, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), ions traps, quantum dots, Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) and cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) have been utilized to address the quantum information tasks [8] with cavity QED based on atom-field interaction being one of the pioneer and prominent system in this regard [9][10][11]. Cavity QED based technology has T. Abbas ( )