Integrated frequency selective surface (IFSS) absorbers
with larger
bandwidth, effective reflection loss, polarization-insensitive characteristics,
angular stability with compact/thin design, and ease of fabrication
have captivated significant importance in stealth technology. Herein,
we report on an IFSS absorber that has been designed, simulated, and
implemented for manufacturing to achieve effective stealth properties.
Initially, frequency selective surface (FSS) layers have been designed
that comprise a closed centroid honeycomb structure surrounded with
four annular hexagonal rings, splitted, alternatively, and enveloped
with four L-shaped elements. The simulated pattern has been optimized
on glass fabric for reflection loss (R
C, dB) at a thickness of ∼0.1 mm by choosing sheet resistance
of pattern 110 Ω/□. A FSS layer combined with interlayer
lossy dielectric laminates (1.8 mm) and a carbon-fabric-reinforced-plastic
ground has been simulated as an IFSS absorber. The performance of R
C, in normal and angular configuration (0–60°),
under transvers an electric/magnetic mode of polarization, including
analysis of the displacement current, volume power loss distribution,
and complex admittance has been carried on IFSS. Subsequently, the
proposed absorber has been fabricated using customized carbon-based
resistive ink imprinted on glass fabric by mask lithography compounded
with laminates (a carbon black powder/epoxy composite) and ground.
Their manufacturing details, including free space and anechoic chamber R
C measurements, have been presented. The simulated
and experimental R
C performances of the
absorber are found to be in good agreement, possessing minimal 10
dB reflection loss (90% absorption) with a sample thickness of 1.9
mm (0.05λL, where λL corresponds
to a lower operating frequency), covering 76% fractional bandwidth
in X and Ku bands. The proposed design architecture of the IFSS is
ideally suitable for aerospace stealth platforms.