The removal of rice straw extractives increases the interphase adhesion between rice straw and the high-density polyethylene (HDPE) matrix, while eradicating the inner defects of rice straw/HDPE composites. This study investigated the effect of rice straw extractives removal on the dimensional stability (water uptake and thermal expansion), dynamic mechanical properties, creep, and stress relaxation of rice straw/HDPE composites. Cold water (CW), hot water (HW), and 1% alkaline solution (AL) extraction methods were utilized to remove rice straw extractives. Extracted and unextracted rice straws were mixed with HDPE, maleated polyethylene (MAPE), and Polyethylene wax to prepare composites via extrusion. Removal of rice straw extractives significantly improved the dimensional stability, dynamic mechanical properties, and creep and stress relaxation of rice straw/HDPE composites, with the exception of the thickness swelling of the AL/HDPE and the thermal expansion of the rice straw/HDPE composites. HW/HDPE exhibited the best comprehensive performance.