natural selection ͉ homologous proteins ͉ structural pK shifts ͉ conformational ensembles ͉ differential scanning calorimetry C onventionally, the folding and function of single-domain proteins are described as two-state processes in analogy to elementary chemical reactions. The protein molecule is assumed to reside in either of two states: folded or active and unfolded or inactive, which interconvert by crossing a high free-energy barrier with transition-state-like kinetics. However, proteins can in principle exist in many different conformations or microstates because of their thousands of degrees of freedom. Such inherent complexity is best described by using low-dimensional freeenergy surfaces, which are obtained by projecting the solventaveraged energy as a function of atomic coordinates onto a few order parameters [the energy landscape approach (1)]. A freeenergy surface description includes the two-state folding model as a particular scenario, but is more general. In this approach barriers, basins of attraction, and even finer topographical details of the surface (i.e., roughness) emerge from detailed balancing between conformational entropy and the energy from stabilizing interactions (see refs. 2 and 3 for some specific examples). Therefore, surfaces that exhibit marginal barriers or are even completely barrierless appear as interesting alternatives to the two-state folding picture (1). These predictions have been confirmed experimentally in recent years (4-6).If the folding barriers are comparable to the thermal energy (RT), ensembles of conformations with an intermediate degree of structure become significantly populated and interconvert with diffusive dynamics. This realization opens a realm of possibilities for the experimental study of protein folding reactions and mechanisms (recently reviewed in ref. 7). Moreover, it also has important implications for protein function because the conformational fluctuations associated with marginal folding barriers could be exploited to modulate activity and/or synchronize the action of enzymes in sequential reactions (8). Examples of how this could be achieved have been recently explored for protein binding with the fly-cast model (9, 10) and related analyses (11), as well as for the optimization of allosteric coupling (12).Another important consequence of shallow free-energy surfaces is that their shape can be resolved in equilibrium experiments sensitive to the energy fluctuations associated with protein conformation, such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Building on this idea, Muñoz and Sanchez-Ruiz have recently developed a phenomenological variable-barrier model for the analysis of DSC data (13). In this analysis, the DSC thermogram is fitted to an idealized (i.e., a Landau quartic polynomial) one-dimensional free-energy surface from which it is possible to estimate the barrier height and the population of conformational ensembles with an intermediate degree of structure (13). Although these folding barriers are intrinsically ''thermodynamic,'' ...