Allosteric cooperativity, which nature uses to improve the sensitivity with which biomolecular receptors respond to small changes in ligand concentration, could likewise be of use in improving the responsiveness of artificial biosystems. Thus motivated, we demonstrate here the rational design of cooperative molecular beacons, a widely employed DNA sensor, using a generalizable population-shift approach in which we engineer receptors that equilibrate between a lowaffinity state and a high-affinity state exposing two binding sites. Doing so we achieve cooperativity within error of ideal behavior, greatly steepening the beacon s binding curve relative to that of the parent receptor. The ability to rationally engineer cooperativity should prove useful in applications such as biosensors, synthetic biology and "smart" biomaterials, in which improved responsiveness is of value.The ability to respond sensitively to small changes in a molecular input is critical to many biological processes. This ability allows cells and organisms to react to subtle molecular cues and to convert complex input signals into decisive, effectively binary outputs. [1] An enhanced ability to detect small changes in molecular concentration would likely also prove of value in many biotechnologies. The ratio between an effective dose and a toxic dose of some drugs, for example, can be as little as 4-fold, [2] and thus to measure these with clinically relevant precision requires sensors that respond robustly to small changes in drug concentration.Driven by the advantages associated with enhanced molecular responsiveness evolution has invented a number of mechanisms, including sequestration, amplification cascades, and receptor co-localization, by which the relative insensitivity of single-site receptors (e.g., they require an 81-fold concentration change to transition from 10 % to 90 % occupancy) can be overcome. [1] To date many of these mechanisms have been exploited to improve the responsiveness of biotechnologies ranging from molecular [3] and genetic [4] logic gates to ultra-responsive biosensors [5,6] and digital, "all-or-none" drug-delivery systems. [7,8] Allosteric cooperativity, however, which is arguably the simplest solution to this problem, [9,10] has seen adaptation to only a handful of small-molecule [11,12] and biopolymer-based receptors. [13][14][15][16] Here we explore and articulate design principles underlying this mechanism by engineering it into a normally noncooperative receptor, thus improving the receptor s ability to respond to subtle concentration changes.The occupancy of an allosterically cooperative receptor goes aswhere K Half is the concentration at which half of all binding sites are occupied and n H , the "Hill coefficient," provides a convenient metric of cooperativity: a system is noncooperative at n H = 1, and approaches maximum cooperativity as n H approaches the number of binding sites on the receptor. [17] (Note: here we discuss positive cooperativity, which steepens the binding curve. Negative coope...