The expert system for the selection of strategic planning technique was developed with a view of assisting an executive in selecting a strategic planning tool based on constraints such as: time, skill, finance, computer, expert advice, form and content of input, and form and content of output required to be generated. The expert system runs on IBM PC/AT or compatible, which is the minimum system requirement, and contains approximately 115 rules in the rule base. The expert system was developed in Turbo PrologTM. The premises which help in concluding a particular strategic planning tool are stored in separate file called ‘STRATEGY.DAT’ and can be consulted at the end of the session by the user. This file saves current session's premises which concluded the particular strategic planning tool. The system, after recommending a tool, outputs a list of planning phases where the implementation of such a strategic planning tool will succeed. It runs on a backward chaining inference mechanism which is a feature of Turbo PrologTM.