Nowadays the trends of web is to beco me a collection of services that interoperate through the Internet. The first step towards this inter-operation is finding services that meet requester requirements; which is called a service discovery. Service discovery matches functional and non-functional properties of the requester with the p rovider. In th is paper, an enhanced matching algorith m o f Web Service Security Po licy (WS-SP) is proposed to perform requirement-capability match making of a consumer and a provider. Web service security policy specifies the security requirements or capabilities of a web service participant (a provider or a consumer). Security requirement or a capability of a part icipant is one of the non-functional properties of a web service. The security addressed through this paper is the integrity and the confidentiality of web service SOA message transmitted between participants. The enhanced matching algorith m states simp le policy and co mp lex policy cases of the web service security as a non-functional attribute. A generalization matching algorith m is introduced to get the best-matched web service provider fro m a list of available providers for serving the consumer.