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AbstractObjective. The goal of this project was to develop a practical tool for optimizing the design and operation of groundwater remediation systems that explicitly considers uncertainty in site and remediation system characteristics, performance and cost model limitations, and measurement uncertainties that affect predictions of remediation performance and cost. The project was specifically focused on chlorinated solvent contaminated sites with dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) sources.Technical Approach. The method is based on a semi-analytical mathematical model to simulate DNAPL source depletion and dissolved phase transport in response to natural and engineered conditions. The performance model is coupled with cost functions for thermal source zone treatment and enhanced bioremediation. Compliance criteria are defined by statistical rules. The performance model is also coupled with an inverse solution to estimate model parameters, parameter covariances, and residual prediction error. A stochastic cost optimization (SCO) algorithm is used to determine values for design variables that minimize expected net present value cost over Monte Carlo realizations. The method is implemented in SCOToolkit software.The method was applied to two well-characterized sites where different remedial technologies were used, to evaluate its ability to reduce costs and improve remedial designs.Results. Stochastic cost optimization of design and monitoring variables was found to reduce expected costs by 50% or more relative to conventional design methods, and to substantially increase the probability of meeting compliance targets. Although additional field applications to demonstrate the method are needed, along with development of a "user friendly" interface, the method was shown to be highly effective for two field test sites.At the first site, the Fort Lewis East Gate Disposal Yard (EGDY) site, optimization of thermal source treatment indicated a need for a much larger treatment area than was actually employed, to avoid a high failure probability associated with source delineation uncertainty based on available source characterization data. Source treatment may be cost effective if additional characterization were...