High calcitonin levels have been reported in chronic renal failure. To study the C cell response in patients with chronic renal failure, an intravenous bolus of pentagastrin was administered to 11 patients and 11 healthy subjects. Samples were obtained at 0,1,2, 3, 5 and 10 min for calcitonin assay. In order to detect only the active monomeric calcitonin, an immunoradiometric assay method was used. The influence of calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase and intact parathyroid hormone was also evaluated. Although basal calcitonin levels were higher (p<0.01) in chronic renal failure (mean\m=+-\sem:10.1 \m=+-\2.9 pmol/l) versus healthy subjects (1.1 \m=+-\0.3pmol/l), the area under the curve showed there to be no differences between the two groups. The rising branch of the area under the curve, employed as an expression of the C cell response capacity, showed no differences either (chronic renal failure vs healthy subjects: 5.6\m=+-\2vs 2.6\m=+-\0.7pmol l \ m=-\ 1 min\m=-\1, p=0.28). In the chronic renal failure group, a positive correlation was found (r=0.625, p<0.05) between the rising branch of the area under the curve and parathyroid hormone. We conclude that monomeric calcitonin is increased in chronic renal failure, but C cells of the thyroid respond to pentagastrin, as they do in normal subjects. This finding is of great clinical importance when a patient with renal impairment is evaluated for medullary thyroid carcinoma. The calcitonin response to pentagastrin seems to be related directly to the degree of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic renal failure.The basal calcitonin (CT) concentration has been found to be high in most of the patients with chronic renal failure (1, 2), probably due to a low hormone renal clearance (3). As RIA detects both less-active polymeric CT and highly active monomeric CT forms (4), Motte et al. (5) recently have described an immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) that only detects monomeric CT. This new assay has confirmed the high CT basal values, previously shown by RIA, in patients with chronic renal failure (6).The C cell response capacity has been studied only barely in chronic renal failure (7). Mulder et al., using an RIA method, found an enhanced CT release after intravenous calcium infusion (8). Intravenous penta¬ gastrin is a pharmacological stimulus of CT secretion, frequently used in the diagnosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma (6). In this report, we performed a CT IRMA in response to the pentagastrin test in advanced chronic renal failure in order to assess the C cell response in this entity. The influence of several factors, such as calcium, phosphate, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and alkaline phosphatase, was also evaluated.
Subjects and materialWe studied eleven patients (eight men and three women, aged 16-72 years) with advanced chronic renal failure (mean plasma creatinine±sem: 831 ±70.7 /¿mol/1, range 300-1202 ¿tmol/1) who had not yet received dialysis treatment, and eleven healthy subjects (six men and five women, aged 25-40 years). Both patients and normal con...