Abstract| W e investigate the feasibility o f transmitting MPEG-2 AAC Advanced Audio Coder music over packetswitched bearers of an Enhanced General Packet Radio Services cellular network. Streaming data applications like AAC music di er from conversational voice in that they permit a larger transmission delay and delay jitter than the former. In addition, AAC m usic can tolerate a higher frame error rate than voice by using error concealment techniques at the receiver. This creates the opportunity t o transmit AAC m usic over data-optimized, high-throughput and nominally high-error rate, wireless networks, by using appropriate performance enhancing techniques. In particular, we i n vestigate the performance with the following techniques: i Link-layer retransmissions; ii Dynamic packet assignment; and iii Packet interleaving or shu ing. We nd that all the above techniques are desirable in order to simulateneously achieve a high spectral e ciency and the required quality. While this paper is focused on one application, the conclusions and insights are applicable to most streaming audio and video applications.