Ti-6Al-4V has a wide range of applications, but long lead times and low-efficiency processing of the material leads to limitations. Through additive manufacturing, such as wire-arc directed energy deposition, higher processing efficiency, and lower lead times are possible. To fully realize the benefits, an important parameter for application is the fatigue performance, which needs to be better documented and performance shortcomings improved. Currently, available results on fatigue performance of wire-arc directed energy deposition of Ti-6Al-4V are limited. Therefore, wire-arc directed energy deposition of Ti-6Al-4V was used with the following approach. Samples were characterized using scanning electron microscopy and optical light microscopy, and mechanically tested for tensile and fatigue performance. Minimal pore density and a fine α microstructure within coarsened epitaxial columnar β-grains was observed. Additionally, elemental burn-off and oxygen contamination was assessed, showing a loss of 0.2 wt.% aluminum during processing and no oxygen pick-up. Compared to other cold metal transfer-based wire-arc directed energy deposition results available in the literature, the results present significant improvements. Fractography indicated mixed fracture modes, which are likely due to the macro-zones of α having varying orientations. Our work provides an advancement in fatigue performance and processing, further showing the potential of the technology.