Coherent ultraviolet (UV) light has many uses, for example in the study of molecular species relevant in biology and chemistry. Very few if any laser materials offer UV transparency along with damage-free operation at high photon energies and laser power. Here we report efficient generation of deep and vacuum UV light using hydrogen-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (HC-PCF). Pumping above the stimulated Raman threshold at 532 nm, coherent molecular vibrations are excited in the gas, permitting highly efficient thresholdless wavelength conversion in the UV. The system is uniquely pressure-tunable, allows spatial structuring of the out-coupled radiation, and shows excellent performance in the vacuum UV. It can also in principle operate at the single-photon level, when all other approaches are extremely inefficient.
Main Text:Molecular species in biology, photochemistry and medicine (1) have outer-shell electronic transitions in the vacuum (VUV) and deep ultraviolet (DUV)-from ~100 nm to ~300 nm. Spectroscopy at these wavelengths requires tunable, compact and spectrally narrow UV light sources. Excimer lasers provide direct UV lasing transitions but are fixed-wavelength, inefficient and deliver poor beam quality. Although sum-frequency generation in nonlinear crystals provides a common alternative (2), to be efficient and tunable it requires stringent phase-matching over a broad range of wavelengths (almost impossible to realize in collinear geometries) along with high pump intensities and good spatial overlap between the interacting fields. Moreover, the wavelength-tunability of such systems is in general restricted because very few if any nonlinear crystals provide low dispersion, high transparency and resistance to photo-induced damage in the DUV/VUV. Although these issues have to some degree been addressed by Raman mixing in widebore capillaries and cells filled with gas (3, 4), that technique requires intense pump pulses and phase-matching.Gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber (HC-PCF), guiding by anti-resonant-reflection, has emerged as a promising alternative that is free from these restrictions. In addition to providing guidance from the VUV to the mid-infrared (5, 6), these fibers offer ultralong light-matter interaction lengths in a hollow channel only few tens of microns wide, together with pressuretunable dispersion (6). These fibers have reduced the threshold for stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) by orders of magnitude (7), paving the way for multi-octave Raman combs (8) reaching into the VUV (9), and broadband frequency conversion in the near infrared (10).In this paper we report efficient thresholdless frequency conversion of arbitrary DUV signals in hydrogen (9-11), which has the highest Raman gain and frequency shift (~125 THz for the Q(1) vibrational transition) of any gas and is transparent down to the VUV. We used a 40-cm-long kagomé-type HC-PCF ("kagomé-PCF") with a core 22 microns in diameter. When gas-filled, the