Manual material handling follows in nearly all working surroundings, although labors in agriculture fields, construction sites, restaurants, and hotels area are likely to be working with heavy jobs in terms of weight, currencies, Manual handling of the heavy load may turn in to a growing disorder due to the steady or increasing drop of the musculoskeletal system due to constant material lifting / handling events. It may also reason to acute trauma like bone fractures or skin cuts from accidents. One must begin to identify the correct process of methods to deal with each material to solve the problem. Adherence to standard procedures for long-term resolution of the long-term effects caused by incorrect manual material handling, is addressed through specially designed workouts after or before work and, ultimately, also automated technology Or involved in providing assistance through manual tools that assist the user in dealing with content. The proposed task is to conduct studies to identify process issues and future results and to provide solutions to the industry by means of analysis and following standard procedures. This paper mainly deals with issues directly or indirectly in many aspects and discusses solutions implemented to deal with manual content in various industry. The study concluded with a novel automation solution for rapid analysis of effects due to manual analysis that could take years to identify.