The goal of this study was to see how work-life balance, job satisfaction, and the work environment affected the loyalty of female lecturers at the University of Flores. The purposive sampling method was used in this study, which included a sample of 93 married and or single parents female lecturers who were all permanent lecturers at the University of Flores using questionnaires and analyzed using SMARTPLS 3.0 Software.Work-life balance does not have a positive and significant effect on the loyalty of female lecturers, as evidenced by the test results, which show a t-value of 0.949 < 1.96 significant value for the work-life balance variable.Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on work on the loyalty of female lecturers, as evidenced by the test results, which show that the value of the coefficient of satisfaction variable is 2.293 > 1.96 significant value.The work environment has a positive and significant effect on the loyalty of female lecturers, as evidenced by the test results, which show that the work environment variable has a coefficient value of 2.237 > 1.96 significant value.