paramagnetic resonance (EPR) has been extensively used
for the identification of free radicals that are generated from advanced
oxidation processes (AOPs) so as to establish the reaction mechanism.
However, some misinterpretations or controversies on the identity
of detected EPR signals remain in the literature. This study, with
Cu(II)-based AOPs as examples, comprehensively investigated the origin
of 5,5-dimethyl-l-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) adducts
in Cu(II) alone, Cu(II)/H2O2, Cu(II)/peroxymonosulfate
(PMS), and Cu(II)/peroxydisulfate (PDS) systems. In most Cu(II) systems,
DMPO-OH signals can be detected even without any peroxygens, indicating
the presence of other origins of this adduct in addition to the genuine
spin trapping of •OH by DMPO. According to the formed
secondary radical adducts (DMPO-OCH3 from a nonradical
process or DMPO-CH2OH from a radical oxidation) derived
from methanol quenching, we propose that CuO+, instead
of free radicals, is involved in the Cu(II)/PMS system, while •OH is indeed generated in the Cu(II)/H2O2 and Cu(II)/PDS systems under neutral conditions. Notably, 17O-incorporation experiments demonstrate that −OH in
the detected DMPO-OH adduct originates 100% from water in the Cu(II)
alone system but the amount of −OH is over 99.8% from the oxidant
while peroxygens are added. In addition, DMPO-O2
– appears only in the Cu(II)/PDS system under highly alkaline conditions
and H2O is not involved in superoxide formation.