Lithium-ion battery electrodes are composed of active material particles, binder, and conductive additives that form an electrolytefilled porous particle composite. The mesoscale (particle-scale) interplay of electrochemistry, mechanical deformation, and transport through this tortuous multi-component network dictates the performance of a battery at the cell-level. Effective electrode properties connect mesoscale phenomena with computationally feasible battery-scale simulations. We utilize published tomography data to reconstruct a large subsection (1000+ particles) of an NMC333 cathode into a computational mesh and extract electrode-scale effective properties from finite element continuum-scale simulations. We present a novel method to preferentially place a composite binder phase throughout the mesostructure, a necessary approach due difficulty distinguishing between non-active phases in tomographic data. We compare stress generation and effective thermal, electrical, and ionic conductivities across several binder placement approaches. Isotropic lithiation-dependent mechanical swelling of the NMC particles and the consideration of strain-dependent composite binder conductivity significantly impact the resulting effective property trends and stresses generated. Our results suggest that composite binder location significantly affects mesoscale behavior, indicating that a binder coating on active particles is not sufficient and that more accurate approaches should be used when calculating effective properties that will inform battery-scale models in this inherently multi-scale battery simulation challenge.