We investigate novel approach, which improves the sensitivity of gravitational wave (GW) interferometer due to stochastic resonance (SR) phenomenon, performing in additional nonlinear cavity (NC). The NC is installed in the output of interferometer before photodetector, so that optical signal emerging interferometer incidents on the NC and passes through it. Under appropriate circumstances a specific transformation of noisy signal inside the NC takes place, which results in the increase of output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). As a result optical noisy signal of interferometer becomes less noisy after passing through the NC. The improvement of SNR is especially effective in bistable NC for wideband (several hundreds Hz) detection, when chirp GW signal is detected. Then output SNR is increased up to ~ 0.5 and SNR gain reaches amounts ~ 10. When detection bandwidth is narrowed, the influence of SR mechanism gradually disappears, and SNR gain tends to 1. SNR gain also tends to 1 when the NC is gradually transformed to linear cavity. Proposed enhancement of SNR due to the SR is not dependent of noise type, which is prevalent in interferometer. Particularly proposed approach is the only one, which is capable to increase SNR at given amplitude of displacement noise. In present paper we study application of SR in GW interferometer for improving the sensitivity.
PACSTo employ the SR phenomenon one needs to have nonlinear system, where noisy signal would be transformed and improved. Earlier in [9] we have considered this problem however, proposed configuration of interferometer was not suitable for experiments. In [9] we suggested to insert optical nonlinear medium in interferometer arm cavities, to change them to nonlinear cavities and to trigger the SR. But such scheme has the drawbacks: (i) because of high power circulating in arm cavities it would be difficult to maintain nonlinear medium in stable state (ii) it would be difficult to provide identical nonlinear parameters for two arm cavities. The scheme suffered also from the necessity to use a special white-light-cavity to relax tight requirements to laser frequency stability.Here we consider another, simpler configuration where an additional nonlinear cavity (NC) is installed in interferometer output before photodetector. A sketch of proposed configuration is shown in Fig. 1. The function of the NC is to improve SNR of passing through it noisy signal by the SR mechanism. This scheme is easy to realize in all existing ground based interferometers.We present in this paper the results of theoretical study of such interferometer. The main motivation of this work was to attract the attention of GW interferometery experts to the SR,