N tracing model Acid soil of subtropical forest a b s t r a c tChanges in soil N-cycling and retention processes in subtropical/tropical acidic forest ecosystems under anthropogenic N inputs are not well understood. We conducted a laboratory 15 N tracing study on an acid soil (pH values: 4.6 to 5.0) from a subtropical forest fertilized for more than 2.5 years at a rate of 0, 40, and 120 kg NH 4 CleN ha À1 yr À1 , respectively. To get a better resolution of mechanistic changes in soil N cycling and retention processes under NH 4 þ additions, we used a conceptual 15 N tracing model to quantify process-specific and pool-specific N transformation rates in soils. Gross N mineralization rates decreased at high NH 4 þ additions, which were paralleled by a reduction in fungal biomass and mineralization of recalcitrant organic N. Gross NH 4 þ immobilization rates did not show a change with increasing NH 4 þ additions. Interestingly, soil NO 3 À production (heterotrophic, autotrophic, and gross nitrification) and retention (NO 3 À immobilization and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium) showed insensitivity to increasing additions of NH 4 þ . The mechanisms behind the lack of response of heterotrophic nitrification were unclear, but possibly related to the absence of significant changes in soil C: N ratio and soil acidity under increased NH 4 þ additions. Because of the low autotrophic nitrification potential and the lack of NH 4 þ limitation to autotrophic nitrifiers, autotrophic nitrification was unresponsive to NH 4 þ additions.NO 3 À immobilization rates appeared to be controlled by the NO 3 À produced from heterotrophic nitrification, as indicated by the positive relationship between NO 3 À immobilization and heterotrophic nitri-thus showing a lack of a change under increased NH 4 þ additions. DNRA seemed to be inherently less responsive to environmental changes such as NH 4 þ deposition. Our work demonstrates that enhanced NH 4 þ deposition has a low potential to stimulate soil NO 3 À production and weaken soil retention of NO 3 À in this, and perhaps other subtropical/tropical acidic forest ecosystems.