All Days 2012
DOI: 10.2118/163124-ms
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Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Future for Pakistan

Abstract: Pakistan's production to date is characterized by large oil and gas reservoirs undergoing natural depletion with the help of strong natural aquifer drives. In a few fields, natural aquifer support is supplemented by pattern or peripheral water flood. However, there has been no systematic attempt to define the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) potential within the country. This study is an attempt to extrapolate the potential lies in Pakistani reservoir using Enhanced Oil Recovery methods. This study r… Show more

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Cited by 5 publications
(4 citation statements)
References 17 publications
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“…Oil contracts awarded by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil in 2008 included no specific requirements for carbon recapture by multinationals, enabling them to flare with abandon. Residents of the marshes and southern Iraq have expressed frustration that while Iraq has environmental laws on the books, the government does not enforce them (Shuker, 2023). Kubra believed that he was a “realist,” that he could help establish marshland conservation on the whole by yielding to oil redevelopment in some areas of the marshes.…”
Section: What Conservation Birding Achieved In Iraqmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Oil contracts awarded by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil in 2008 included no specific requirements for carbon recapture by multinationals, enabling them to flare with abandon. Residents of the marshes and southern Iraq have expressed frustration that while Iraq has environmental laws on the books, the government does not enforce them (Shuker, 2023). Kubra believed that he was a “realist,” that he could help establish marshland conservation on the whole by yielding to oil redevelopment in some areas of the marshes.…”
Section: What Conservation Birding Achieved In Iraqmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…After the first and second stages of oil production from the well, there were still large volumes of the original oil bypassed or trapped in the reservoir [1][2][3]. Therefore, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods were used to recover the additional oil [4][5][6][7].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…About two-thirds of the original oil in place remain in the reservoir after primary and secondary production (Brown 2010;Bryant and Lockhart 2002;Shuker et al 2012). To recover some of this oil, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques are introduced in either the secondary or tertiary stage (Abbas et al 2017;Agi et al 2018a).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Thermal methods such as steam flooding and in situ combustion involve the introduction of heat into the reservoir (Khalilinezhad et al 2016). Chemical methods involve use of chemical solutions such as surfactants, polymers, and caustic solutions, and gas methods involve injection of slugs of either CO 2 , N 2 , flue gas, or hydrocarbon to induce gas drive mechanisms within the reservoir (Shuker et al 2012;Yassin 1988;Olajire 2014;Agi et al 2018b). Meanwhile, microbial EOR involves the use of microorganisms which 'eat up' the oil to produce valuable chemicals that enhance oil recovery (Amarnath 1999;Olajire 2014;Bryant et al 1989).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%