Strong 'spin'-orbit coupled one-dimensional hole gas is achievable in an unstrained Ge nanowire in the presence of a strong magnetic field. Basing on the Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian in the spherical approximation, we show this strong 'spin'-orbit coupled one-dimensional hole gas can be accurately described by an effective two-band Hamiltonian H ef = 2 k 2 z /(2m * h )+ασ z kz +g * h µBBσ x /2, as long as the magnetic field is purely longitudinal or purely transverse. The explicit magnetic field dependent expressions of the 'spin'-orbit coupling α ≡ α(B) and the effective g-factor g * h ≡ g * h (B) are given. When the magnetic field is applied in an arbitrary direction, the two-band Hamiltonian description is still a good approximation.