Damaged or mismatched
DNA bases are normally thought to be able
to flip out of the helical stack, providing enzymes with access to
the faulty genetic information otherwise hidden inside the helix.
Thymine glycol (Tg) is one of the most common products of nucleic
acid damage. However, the static and dynamic structures of DNA duplexes
affected by 5R-Tg epimers are still not clearly understood, including
the ability of these to undergo spontaneous base flipping. Structural
effects of the 5R-Tg epimers on the duplex DNA are herein studied
using molecular dynamics together with reliable DFT based calculations.
In comparison with the corresponding intact DNA, the
-5R,6S-Tg epimer base causes little perturbation to the duplex DNA,
and a barrier of 4.9 kcal mol
is obtained by meta-eABF
-5R,6S-Tg base flipping out of the duplex
DNA, comparable to the 5.4 kcal mol
obtained for
the corresponding thymine flipping in intact DNA. For the
-5R,6R-Tg epimer, three stable local structures were
identified, of which the most stable disrupts the Watson–Crick
hydrogen-bonded G5/C20 base pair, leading to conformational distortion
of the duplex. Interestingly, the relative barrier height of the 5R-Tg
flipping is only 1.0 kcal mol
for one of these
-5R,6R-Tg epimers. Water bridge interactions were identified
to be essential for 5R-Tg flipping. The study clearly demonstrates
the occurrence of partial
-5R,6R-Tg epimer flipping
in solution.