Stimulation of the hypogastric nerve to the guinea pig vas deferens in the presence of phenoxybenzamine produced an enhanced release of both dopamine-fl-hydroxylase (EC and norepinephrine.Addition of colchicine, vinblastine, or cytochalasin-B to the incubation medium caused an almost complete inhibition of release of both the amine and the enzyme. Colchicine and cytochalasin-B produced a blocking effect but did not, however, modify the ratio of dopamine-3-hydroxylase to norepinephrine recovered in the bath fluid. The findings indicate that norepinephrine and dopamine-,f-hydroxylase are released from sympathetic nerve terminals by exocytosis and that this process is dependent upon the integrity of both microtubules and microfilaments.Investigations of the physiologic function of two widely distributed cell components, the microtubules and microfilaments, have been facilitated by the use of the alkaloids colchicine and vinblastine, which bind to the microtubules (1, 2), and of cytochalasin-B, a fungal metabolite that causes the disappearance of the microfilaments (3). The microtubules have been implicated in release of various intracellular stored products, such as insulin from the beta-cells of the pancreas (4), iodine-131 from isolated thyroid glands (induced by thyroid-stimulating hormone) (5), histamine from mast cells (6), and catecholamine from the adrenal medulla (7). Release of iodine-131 from the thyroid gland has also been shown to be inhibited by cytochalasin-B (8).It has been shown (9) that electrical stimulation of the hypogastric nerves to the vas deferens of guinea pig results in a proportional release of both the neurotransmitter norepinephrine and dopamine-#3-hydroxylase (EC, an enzyme present in the norepinephrine storage vesicles in both bound and free forms (10, 11). Observation of release of norepinephrine and dopamine-fl-hydroxylase from the adrenal gland that is stimulated by acetylcholine (11) suggests that exocytosis is the process by which norepinephrine release occurs. Because of the similarity of the ratios of norepinephrine to dopamine-,B-hydroxylase in tissue and in the amounts of norepinephrine and dopamine-,B-hydroxylase released (9, 12), dopamine-,3-hyroxylase may be considered a reliable index of exocytosis.In the present study we show that agents altering the microtubules and microfilaments block the nerve stimulationinduced release of dopamine-o-hydroxylase and norepinephrine by exocytosis at the sympathetic nerve endings of the vas deferens. * Address reprint requests to this author.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPreparation of Organs. The hypogastric nerve-vas deferens preparations were isolated and prepared for stimulation as described (9, 12). The bath fluid was changed five times and then replaced by fresh medium (Krebs-Ringer, without bicarbonate, pH 7.2-7.4) containing 0.25% bovine serum albumin (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.). After 10 min, the medium was replaced with 6 ml of medium containing albumin and phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride (50 ,M). T...