Abstract.-In dominance-structured animal societies, variation in individual fitness is often related to social status. Like many passerine birds, Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) have a short average adult life-expectancy (~2 years); however, the maximum recorded life span is >5× as long. Enhanced annual survival could contribute to greater lifetime reproductive success for male Black-capped Chickadees with high social rank. We used multistate capture-mark-recapture models to estimate annual survival of male Black-capped Chickadees in Ontario using resighting and recapture data collected from 1997 to 2002. Our goal was to evaluate support for an influence of rank on annual survival and estimate its effect size for a food-supplemented study site. We also statistically modeled the probability of between-year rank transitions. Model selection based on Akaike's information criterion provided support for an effect of rank on survival. However, multimodel inference revealed that the size of the effect was rather small. Over the six study years, model-averaged estimates of the survival benefit of high versus low rank ranged from 5.0 to 7.3%. As expected, survival was strongly year-dependent, with model-averaged estimates of annual survival probability varying between 0.36 and 0.73. Age was an important predictor of the probability of rank transitions. Low-ranked second-year birds were less likely than older low-ranked birds to advance to high rank between years; likewise, high-ranked after-second-year birds were less likely to drop in rank. Other studies have found larger effects of rank on survival than we observed here. Future research should consider how interactions between social and environmental factors influence annual survival. Key words: age-specific mortality, Black-capped Chickadee, capture-mark-recapture models, Paridae, Poecile atricapillus, rank acquisition, social dominance.
Survie interannuelle et transitions de rang chez les Poecile atricapillus mâles : une méthodologie de modélisation à états multiplesRésumé.-Dans les sociétés animales structurées sur la dominance, la variation du fitness individuel est souvent liée au statut social. Comme plusieurs passereaux, Poecile atricapillus a une courte espérance de vie adulte moyenne (~2 ans). Toutefois, la durée de vie maximale enregistrée est >5× plus longue. Une survie annuelle accrue pourrait contribuer à un succès reproducteur à vie supérieur pour les mâles de haut rang social. Nous avons utilisé des modèles de capture-marquage-recapture à états multiples afin d'estimer la survie annuelle de P. atricapillus mâles en Ontario en utilisant des données de ré-observation et de recapture récoltées entre 1997 et 2002. Notre objectif était d'évaluer l'influence du rang sur la survie annuelle et d'estimer la taille d'effet sur un site d'étude de nourrissage. Nous avons aussi modelé statistiquement la probabilité des transitions de rang entre les années. La sélection des modèles basée sur le critère d'information d'Akaike a supporté l'hypothèse d'un...