14Sorption-desorption experiments of fluorene (FLU) and fluoranthene (FLT) in soils 15were carried out and correlated to their removal from aged contaminated soils using 16 aqueous solutions in the absence and in the presence of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin 17 (HPBCD) as the extraction agent. FLU became more resistant to extraction in aged 18 contaminated soils due to its initial adsorption onto the mineral and amorphous soil 19 organic matter (SOM) domains, sites of lower binding energy from which, due to its 20 small size, it could spread towards the condensed SOM as the contact time increased. 21Therefore, FLU will not be easily desorbed from aged contaminated soils due to 22 physical entrapment mechanisms, even when using HPBCD as extractant, presenting 23 FLU low risks to the environment. On the contrary, FLT was extracted from aged soils 24 in the presence of HPBCD in solutions to a much greater extent than in its absence. Due 25 to its more hydrophobic character FLT sorption in soils was relatively quicker, 26 remaining more or less fixed on hydrophobic sites of the organic matter (OM) with 27 different energies, and therefore the amount of FLT extracted was almost constant for 28 different ageing times. During extraction experiments, the influence of the OM quality 29 of the soils was also highlighted because an inverse proportionality between OM 30 content of soil and extractability of sorbed FLT was observed. It was concluded that 31Preprint submitted to Elsevier 2 soils with lower OM content that had more diagenetically processed OM could block 1 the extraction of FLT more effectively than soils with higher OM content that are less 2 humified. This indicates the need to not only use adsorption-desorption data in 3 contaminant fate and transport models, but also extraction studies in aged contaminated 4 soils and other complementary analytical approaches when assessing soil 5 contamination-related risks. 6 7 8