The CDE conference has become the main national forum for discussions on the current trends and future directions in the field of electronic devices. Most of the contributions presented in this conference came from Spanish universities and research centres, about 22% of the presentations were collaborations between Spanish and overseas institutions and 11% of the communications presented in the conference come from researchers of foreign universities. Finally, about 4% of the contributions were developed in the following Spanish companies: T-SOLAR S.A., Francisco Alberto S.A., Robotiker-Tecnalia and ISOFOTON S.A. Fifty participants in the conference, out of 150, were PhD students, provided with the opportunity of enhancing their knowledge and experience and establishing new links through interaction with other students and experts in their research field.The scientific program of the conference was organized in a single-session format and comprised 5 invited lectures, 40 contributed talks and 102 poster presentations. The program covers the following topics:1. Materials, technology and process simulation (25 contributions). 2. Device modelling and simulation (40 contributions). 3. Characterization and reliability (11 contributions). 4. Sensors, actuators, microsystems and MEMS (26 contributions).