A polytype of LiCoO 2 has been synthesized through an ion-exchange reaction. By exchanging Na + for Li + ions from an OP4-͑Li/Na͒CoO 2 -mixed cobaltite, a LiCoO 2 stacking is obtained. It alternatively combines O2-and O3-LiCoO 2 polytypes and corresponds to an O4 stacking. The phase crystallizes in the hexagonal system with cell parameters a hex = 2.802͑1͒ Å and c hex = 18.89͑2͒ Å. As the O2 phase, the O4-LiCoO 2 , is metastable; it transforms into the thermodynamically stable O3-LiCoO 2 at around 350-400°C. The crystallographic data, the thermal properties, and the electrochemical behavior of this phase are presented.LiCoO 2 is widely used as a positive electrode material in most of the commercialized lithium-ion batteries. Its structure consists of a stacking of CoO 2 layers of edge-sharing CoO 6 octahedra between which lithium ions are inserted in octahedral sites. Two lamellar LiCoO 2 polytypes with O3 and O2 types of oxygen packing ͑see Ref. 1 for the nomenclature͒ are already known and differ by their slab stacking sequence along the c axis ͑Fig. 1͒. The O3 polytype is obtained by a high temperature solid-state reaction. 2 It is the thermodynamically stable variety as the LiO 6 and CoO 6 octahedra share only edges. The O2 polytype is obtained by an ion-exchange from P2-Na ϳ0.7 CoO 2 . 3 During the Na + /Li + exchange, the Li + ions are too small to occupy trigonal prismatic sites and therefore, a gliding of the CoO 2 slab occurs that fixes the octahedral surrounding of the Li + ions. In this structure, the LiO 6 octahedra share one face with one CoO 6 octahedron and three edges with different CoO 6 octahedra on the opposite side. As a result, this face sharing the O2 phase is metastable and transforms into the thermodynamically stable O3 polytype between 100 and 150°C. 4,5 In 1994, Balsys and Davis 6 reported the synthesis and the structure description of a lithium/sodium-mixed cobaltite Li 0.43 Na 0.39 CoO 1.96 . Its structure consists of CoO 2 slabs with an alternate sequence of LiO 6 octahedra and NaO 6 trigonal prisms, leading to an OP4-type oxygen packing that agrees with the nomenclature in Ref. 1. Starting with this phase and using chemical exchange reaction like in the P2-Na ϳ0.7 CoO 2 → O2-LiCoO 2 transformation, we were successful in preparing a LiCoO 2 polytype that keeps the original alternation of the alkali layers initially present in the OP4-͑Li/Na͒CoO 2 phase: the leads to an alternate staking of O3 and O2-LiCoO 2 polytypes in a fully single phase: the O4-LiCoO 2 polytype. This article describes the synthesis of this stacking, the phase stability, and a preliminary electrochemical study.
ExperimentalOP4-͑Li/Na͒CoO 2 precursor.-O3-LiCoO 2 and P2-Na ϳ0.7 CoO 2 phases were obtained by high temperature solid-state reaction as previously described. 2,7,8 A mixture of these two compounds corresponding to the Li 0.42 Na 0.41 CoO 2 nominal composition was intimately ground and then heated into a sealed gold tube for 15 h at ca. 920°C in a preheated furnace. After the reaction, the tube was quenched ...