The objective of this work was to assess the impact of perchloroethylene (PCE) and coupled zero valent iron (ZVI) filters on the transient performance of fluidized bed bioreactors (FBBRs) operated in simultaneous electron acceptors modes. Four lab scale, FBBRs were implemented. Two FBBRs were operated as simultaneous methanogenicdenitrifying (MD) units, whereas the other two were operated in partially-aerated methanogenic (PAM) mode. In the first period all FBBRs received a synthetic wastewater with 1 g COD-methanol/L. In a second period, all the FBBRs received the synthetic wastewater plus 80 mg PCE/L. At the start of period 2, one MD and one PAM FBBRs were coupled to side sand-ZVI filters. All bioreactors anchored microbial consortia unacclimated to PCE. In this work, bioreactor performance in the full period 1 and the first 15 days of period 2 (transient state) is reported and discussed. The chemical oxygen demand and the nitrate removal efficiency of the FBBRs did not decrease between period 1 and period 2, i.e., upon PCE addition, particularly for MD bioreactors. On the contrary, specific oxygen uptake rate of all FBBRs in period 2 decreased by ca. 80 to 96 % or more compared to period 1. In period 2, PCE removals and dehalogenation efficiency were in the range of 81 to 94 % and 73 to 90 %, respectively. The highest values corresponded to PAM bioreactors, particularly for that equipped with ZVI filter. Slight positive effects of ZVI filter on PCE removal and the dehalogenation efficiencies were observed in the PAM ZVI bioreactor configuration. It is concluded that the simultaneous electron acceptor type (PAM vs. MD) had a significant effect on the bioreactor performance, whereas the coupling to ZVI filters only had a slight positive effect on the bioreactor performance in the PAM-ZVI bioreactor.Palabras clave: lecho fluidizado, metanogénico con aereación parcial simultáneo, metanogénico-desnitrificante simultáneo, hierro metálico
RESUMENEl objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el impacto del filtro acoplado de hierro cero-valente sobre el desempeño de biorreactores de lecho fluidizado (BLEF) operados con aceptores simultáneos de electrones y sometidos a altas concentraciones de percloroetileno (PCE). Se utilizaron cuatro BLEF a escala laboratorio, dos operados en metanogénesis con aireación parcial (MAP) y dos metanogénicos-desnitrificantes (MD). En el primer periodo todos los BLEF se alimentaron con agua residual sintética y 1 g de COD-metanol/L. En el segundo periodo todos los BLEF recibieron la misma agua residual sintética más 80 mg PCE/L. A un BLEF MAP y un BLEF MD se les acopló un filtro de arena-partículas de hierro metálico. A partir de ese momento se operó lo que denominamos estado transitorio de los primeros 15 días. Todos los biorreactores fueron inoculados originalmente con un consorcio no aclimatado a PCE. En este trabajo se reporta el periodo 1 completo y el efecto inicial (15 días) del PCE y los filtros de arena-hierro metálico acoplados a los biorreactores (periodo 2). La eli...