A generally applicable model is presented to describe the potential barrier shape in ultrasmall Schottky diodes. It is shown that for diodes smaller than a characteristic length l c ͑associated with the semiconductor doping level͒ the conventional description no longer holds. For such small diodes the Schottky barrier thickness decreases with decreasing diode size. As a consequence, the resistance of the diode is strongly reduced, due to enhanced tunneling. Without the necessity of assuming a reduced ͑non-bulk͒ Schottky barrier height, this effect provides an explanation for several experimental observations of enhanced conduction in small Schottky diodes. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1521251͔The effect of downscaling the dimensions of a device on its electrical transport properties is an important topic today. Extremely small diodes have been experimentally realized and characterized in various systems, for example, carbon nanotube heterojunctions, 1 junctions between p-type and n-type Si nanowires, 2 or junctions between the metallic tip of a scanning tunneling microscope and a semiconductor surface. 3,4 These experiments showed several deviations from conventional diode behavior. Despite some modeling in truly one-dimensional systems, 5,6 little work has been done on modeling the effects of downscaling a conventional diode, in the regime where quantum confinement does not play a role.In this letter we present a simple model ͑based on the Poisson equation͒ describing the barrier shape in a diode, that is readily applicable to arbitrarily shaped small junctions. It is related to descriptions of inhomogeneities in the Schottky barrier height ͑SBH͒ in large diodes, 7 barrier shapes in small semiconducting grains, 8 and charge transfer to supported metal particles. 9 Although we restrict ourselves to metal-semiconductor junctions, the model can easily be adapted, for example, to p -n junctions. The main result is that if the size of the metal-semiconductor interface is smaller than a characteristic length l c , the thickness of the barrier is no longer determined by the doping level or the free carrier concentration, but instead by the size and shape of the diode. The resulting thin barrier in small diodes will give rise to enhanced tunneling, qualitatively explaining measurements of enhanced conduction, 3,4,10 without the necessity of assuming a reduced SBH. Moreover, experimentally observed scaling behavior and deviating IV curve shapes 10 can be explained.The transport properties of a Schottky diode are governed by the potential landscape that has to be traversed by the charge carriers. First, we study an easily scalable and highly symmetrical model system, namely a metallic sphere embedded in semiconductor ͑see Fig. 1, upper left inset͒. The radius a of the metallic sphere is a measure for the interface size: for large a, we expect to find the well-known results for a conventional diode, while decreasing a gives the opportunity to study finite size effects.We only model the barrier sha...