Nanotechnology permits the manipulation of materials at nanoscale. Contrarily to traditional ad hoc wireless networks, electromagnetic nanonetworks are massively dense networks of highly-constrained nanodevices, connected by a ultra high-capacity terahertz channel (in the order of Tb/s). Like in traditional networks, congestion and collisions can appear in nanonetworks. However, they have a different meaning, and the parameters influencing them are also different. A parameter specific to nanonetworks is beta (β), which expresses the ratio of time between two consecutive bits and the bit length, and is sometimes called the symbol rate. No paper in the literature has evaluated this parameter, neither congestion and collisions in a dense network. Therefore, in this paper we study the influence of this parameter together with source packet rate to congestion and collisions in the context of a multi-flow nanonetwork. We conclude that lower source rates and lower β values result in less congestion and thus a good packet delivery to the destination.