High voltage measurements are not only significant for reliable transmission of electricity at high voltage potentials but also play a vital role in different realms and various applications. Their most common applications are in power electronics, medical technology, electromagnetic compatibility, particle accelerators, aluminum production, and electronic ignition systems. High Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) measuring devices for high voltage are extensively used in numerous claims. Precise high voltage measurement techniques are crucial to guarantee these measuring devices' performance, assess their standard operating procedures and ensure their measurements' quality. High voltage metrology validates inclusive progresses in science and technology. To comprehensively understand these developments, it is essential to know the high voltage history, its main aspects, and its measuring techniques timeline growth. This state of the art introduces the history and the principles of the high voltage science. Recent measurement techniques and advances in the high voltage metrology are provided. Moreover, future trends in high voltage metrology and precise measurements are discussed.