In order to produce isoflavone aglycosides effectively, a process of isoflavone hydrolysis by Bacillus subtilis natto NTU-18 (BCRC 80390) was established. This process integrates the three stages for the production of isoflavone aglycosides in one single fermenter, including the growth of B. subtilis natto, production of β-glucosidase, deglycosylation of fed isoflavone glycosides. After 8 h of batch culture of B. subtilis natto NTU-18 in 2 L of soy medium, a total of 3 L of soy isoflavone glucoside solution containing 3.0 mg/mL of daidzin and 1.0 mg/mL of genistin was fed continuously over 34 h. The percentage deglycosylation of daidzin and genistin was 97.7% and 94.6%, respectively. The concentration of daidzein and genistein in the broth reached 1,066.8 μg/mL (4.2 mM) and 351 μg/mL (1.3 mM), respectively, and no residual daidzin or genistin was detected. The productivity of the bioconversion of daidzein and genistein over the 42 h of culture was 25.6 mg/L/h and 8.5 mg/L/h, respectively. This showed that this is an efficient bioconversion process for selective estrogen receptor modulator production.