Lowland reaches of 40 rivers in New South Wales, Australia, were designated as 'regulated' or 'unregulated', depending upon the degree to which flows were modified by the operation of a dam upstream. Five replicate rivers of each type were selected from the North Coast, South Coast, Darling and Murray regions in the State. Fish communities in each river were sampled in summer and winter in two consecutive years. Regulated and unregulated rivers contained significantly different fish communities, although communities in each region retained characteristic features. The proportion of native species in the total catch was greater in unregulated rivers in all regions, ranging from 27% in the Murray region to 100% in South Coast rivers. In regulated rivers, native species made up 20% of the catch in the Murray region compared with a maximum of 99% in the North Coast. Carp, Cyprinus carpio, were the main alien species contributing to changes in the proportional abundance of native fish. Native species most affected by river regulation were western carp gudgeons, Hypseleotris spp., bony herring, Nematalosa erebi, and striped gudgeons, Gobiomorphus australis. Fifteen native species showed some effect of river regulation on their population structures. Individual species showed positive, negative or mixed positive and negative, effects of regulation, at population, species or community levels. Three abundant alien species and seven native species showed only positive or mixed responses, whereas 13 native species exhibited only negative effects. Flow regulation has reduced the resilience of New South Wales rivers and native fish communities to invasion by alien species. New research has commenced to investigate whether recently introduced environmental flow rules are effective in reducing the effects of river flow alteration on fish communities in New South Wales rivers.